
By Sonset25

Morning puddles

A fresher dog walk this morning.  Still comfortable walking sleeveless.  

Pottering about much of the day, clearing etc.

Had an extremely vivid dream in the early hours.  A group of dogs had got into our back garden and I was worried about Kyro.  There was a range of dogs: greyhounds, and a medium, fox coloured dog looking like a cross between a dachund and a weimaraner.  The dogs were all friendly but lively.  Then the male owners arrived.  Both their faces were so vivid, both wore glasses one had those transparent framed pair and the other had a dark framed pair.  Both were tall with dark hair and the one with transparent framed glasses was over six feet tall.  I have the feeling that if I see anyone resembling them for real I will get a shiver.  

In the past I have had two dreams of incidents which have occurred later in real life with the same locations and individuals.  Both were of places I'd never visited and even the speech was replicated.  I have no explanations. 

Currently reading Jonathan Coe's The House of Sleep which I'm enjoying. 

Rain forecast tomorrow.  

Pleasant evening everyone.

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