Everyday Life

By Julez

Birthday PJs

Brian's birthday is today, and these pyjamas are one of his presents from me. He's modelling them for me to Blip as I left my phone at home when we went to Jeri's today so I had no photos. I had taken a couple of shots on Brian's phone, but wasn't happy at all with them.

Jeri made him a very basic jam swiss roll as a birthday cake as he doesn't do fancy cake! There were some fancy cupcakes for the rest of us too though, as Jeri had baked cakes to photograph to promote what will go into her Halloween boxes that she's going to be selling next month.We had sausages, mash and veg for lunch. It was a good visit. Zeph came over with us, but not Grace as she'd got her weeks mixed up and thought we were going next week. She is away then and said she couldn't go. By the time we realised the mistake it was too late.

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