
By Ridgeback13


Back to murk and mist this morning…yuk! We had some toast and the new plum jam (tasty if a little runny!) the.n went down to Portobello to do the annual art walk around the open studios. We saw some interesting work, especially some beautifully drawn pebbles and old kitchen and sewing items, and walked along the prom and around the town for a couple of hours, enjoying getting a look at the various houses and studios. The drizzle stopped but it stayed cloudy and grey, and we decided to come home in the early afternoon. I got on with finishing the blurb book whilst S kindly did my ironing then A got in touch with the results of the show’s judging. She’d got 3rd place with her beans, the lemon curd and the empire biscuits, a first with her house plant and garden posy, and the Novice cup! Shame her delicious looking Victoria Sandwich cake got nothing….I suspect they didn’t approve of the cream even though it was a Mary Berry recipe (and the rules didn’t say you couldn’t have it!).
We made some supper and watched the David Attenborough programme about woodlands then some nonsense crime thing before bed.

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