
By richard

A mixed up crazy day that left me exhausted...

7am Breakfast shoot with the Homeless Project.
10am Wander around a bit looking for interesting subjects.
11am Photographing the counter-demonstrations in George Square.
2pm Meet Mr Bondd for some music and photos.
5pm Finally chill out in a cafe to talk about exciting future music plans and drink some very welcome fresh orange juice. 

I've drawn the conclusion that although I think our right to protest is incredibly important, it achieves precisely nothing most of the time, especially the one today. Neither side had any intention of trying to talk to each other. The far right are just imbeciles and the anti-racism protestors were underwhelming in their approach to the issue, with each little group shouting into their own megaphones and clearly there because of their own agendas. This will not get fixed until we try something different.

The most concerning thing for me is that there were at most a few thousand people there which leads me to think that most people simply don't give a rat's wotsit about the mess their country is in right now.
And the evidence for this sweeping statement...
Walk round the corner to Buchanan Street and they're all there shopping like there's no tomorrow. Maybe there isn't, and they just didn't tell me!

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