
By mambo

Finishing on a High

All three granddaughters danced with the National Youth Ballet at Sadler’s Well in London tonight with Ruby dancing solo to open the performance. It really was a triumph , not just for our girls but for everyone on stage and behind it.
At the end of the evening two awards were presented and as a complete shock to us, Ruby was awarded one and here she is holding the bronze statuette. A fabulous end to her being a member of NYB for seven years. 
So a few emotional goodbyes before we left.
Some of her friends who she has danced with in the past came down to see her and there is one of them together in extras.
They might not be the sharpest of images but l am very pleased to have mementos of a very happy day.

Rehearsals had taken place all day and they were not without drama, Ruby had a nosebleed and Kitty was hit on the head with a backdrop, luckily she was ok.
Back at the hotel now . Ruby has to be on the 6am train to Manchester first thing in the morning, it’s the first day of her Master’s degree in Contemporary Dance at university.
The rest of the party don’t catch trains until mid morning, l am pleased about that.

Thanks for yesterday’s comments, still poor wifi, just thankful l got my blips published.

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