Evening Field

Today was hot and busy!
We went over to Miss H's house first thing for the girls to spend the day together.
I took my three bulging bin liners of old clothes, towels, cushions and worn out shoes as Mrs A had arranged for the Rag Man to come round.
20kgs I had which gave me the grand total of £10. Woohoo!!
I must say it gets a bit addictive throwing things into the bag - so much easier than putting things away!!
After lunch I took Miss L for her last Tumbletots class before the Summer. She loves it!
On the way back to Mrs A's I went to the play centre to pick up my phone - which I left there after the party yesterday just to complete my efforts at total and utter disorganisation!!
It was a lovely relaxing day in Mrs A's garden. The kids played nicely and it was good to chat and do nothing very much.
Then it was home to get the Little Misses to bed. Miss L fell asleep in the car in seconds so she went to her bed a filthy, sweaty urchin. Nice!
I left Mr K to deal with Miss E and headed over to Bicester for Indian Takeaway, tea and The Apprentice with Miss K.
A lovely night as ever!

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