On Some Days

By V1k1

Ducks On A Wall . . . The Kinks

Mono Monday . . . Negative Space 

I rather like the feather details on these two swimming in the eel pond and the still water is the negative space, I think.  Looks better in large with the black boarder.  
We walked from home to Saxton Field to feed the eels.  It was a big walk for me, 10,851 steps, 6.5 km.  We won't do it again as it turned out the eels weren't very interested in small pieces of liver.  The ducks were and dived down to get some.  Walking does mean you notice more things in your neighbourhood.  In the collage in  extras is the Plymouth Brethren meeting house.  Driving past I just thought it was a plan house.  There are a few  houses that have a paddock with sheep and lambs.  The eels were writhing.  Mixed breed ducks.  Scaup duck flapping. Mama and ducklings. Junk over maybe three house sections in area.  They also had a sign no mandates referring to the Covid mandates.
Not photgraphed was a modern smaller home with part of the front wall missing and the fence flattened.  A woman explained to us what had happened.  Around midnight a young woman high on P/Meth, drove her car through the fence, the living room and stopped by the fridge in the kitchen.  Some workmen came upon the sitiuation.  Completely terrifying and not what you expect from our little suburb.  The woman's sister lives next door but slept through the initial crash.  I would have missed all this if I drove to the pond.  I think I'll do my knitting now.  I've had enough excitment for a Monday.  

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