
By Brookeside

My first curl!

Mummy and daddy noticed my first curl! This has started a debate. Daddy says I'm going to be curly and mummy thinks my hair will be very straight and this is just due to hot weather and the length at the moment! I'm just glad I'm not bald anymore ;) today mummy was off work and we went to baby sensory. I decided to show off a little and let go of mummy and off I went! At least 10-15 steps in a row before plonking my bum down! Then after baby sensory we went and did a family photo shoot! At first mummy and daddy were really worried as I wasn't my best today, my gums are sore :( but the photographer was really great and I had a lot of fun. Now they are worried I did too well and we will have to buy lots of photo's! When we left it was almost dinner time and seeing as we were all dressed nicely we decided to go out for dinner. It was very yummy.

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