Bat girl
TallGirl found a bat in her room today. That'll teach her to leave it so long between tidies. No, it was in fact lurking on the bottom of her shutter. It was very very still and looked slightly squashed, but none of us felt like poking it to prove it was dead, so we've left it be in the hope that it'll take darkness as its cue to flit away.
Slightly cooler today, though that may have been just how it seemed since I refused to go outside between noon and four - after a few near heatstroke episodes from working too hard in the garden lately. Instead I had a couple of hours of doing pretty much nothing in front of the Tour de France - which felt pretty good.
The dusty electricity/wine room is now cleaner than it's been for a long time, and is full of wine, which has freed up the hall somewhat. With friends arriving on Saturday, there is much more cleaning in my immediate future (lets hope the hoover holds up this time). And more baking too - though I made a start this morning with chocolate chip bars (basically cookies as a tray-bake) and shortbread that has mysteriously gone wrong.
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