Life through the lens...

By ValC

Negative Space.

Mono Monday.
Not a very imaginative shot but a quick photo of one of my fridge magnets.

Called to see my sister and brother-in-law.
Good to see my BIL looking well and feeling so much better now his blood count is almost back to normal. The hospital have reduced his steroid tablets. Still going for weekly blood checks but now they know he has CLL they will continue to monitor him. Not curable but manageable. All very positive.

On the way home we booked our flu jabs at the doctors.
Then did a bit of tidying up in the garden which is looking very backendish.

After a wet start it has been a sunny afternoon, though quite breezy. Good for drying the washing.

Extra photo of Jude, sent by our grandson. First day at preschool.
Brought a lump to my throat!

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