This is the day

By wrencottage

Grainy goldfinches

There seems to be an explosion of bird activity in the garden at the moment, and I’m also hearing much more birdsong (although that could just be down to my wearing hearing aids again after a two week break). 

Just lately there have been lots of greenfinches and goldfinches fluttering about, especially where the feeders only have two perches rather than four, so some of them are forced to hover in mid air, waiting for an opportunity to pounce as soon as a perch becomes free.

I saw a nuthatch again today, but decided against uploading a repeat photo of it hanging upside down underneath the twisted hazel tree with a peanut in its mouth. 

I do love nuthatches, though, so I’ve attached a feeder to a hook under the bird table on the patio and I've filled it with peanuts. I’m hoping that a nuthatch will be brave enough to come that close to the house so that I can get a better shot.

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