
By Technophobe

Old Lizard Lifeboat Station

Woke up to a dry sunnyish morning after a windy night.
We cycled to Lizard point. The most southerly point in mainland Britain. It’s beautiful. There are seabirds on the cliffs and grey seals flopping around on the rocks. The photo is of the old Lifeboat station, now replaced by a modern one a little farther east. The slipway looks a little the worse for wear now after many decades of Atlantic storms, so I’m tagging it for derelict Sunday. Thanks AngelsShare.

Back in Lizard village we spotted a good place for lunch. We surpassed even the fabulous crab sandwiches of the past week and had lobster! Lobster sandwich for me and a half lobster salad for LooseCanon. Oh my, it was luscious. 

After that we made it just in time to the Lizard Wireless Station. Another day another Marconi connected place, and another Radio Ham for LooseCanon to reminisce with.
Marconi was big round these parts. In fact telecoms in general are big round the Lizard, with Goonhilly Downs just down the road, location of the Goonhilly Satellite Earth Station.
Extra the Lizard Lighthouse from the gardens at Housel Hotel

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