
By tridral

Arbrawf yn y fynwent

Arbrawf yn y fynwent ~ An experiment in the cemetery

“If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?”
― Albert Einstein

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Rydw i'n hoffi darllen 'awgrymiadau', 'awgrymiadau' syml am ffotograffiaeth, 'awgrymiadau' rydw 'n gallu cofio ac yn dilyn. Felly heddiw, darllenais i erthygl gan rhywun a enwir Sebastian Oakley sy'n cadw ei gyflymder caead ar 1/500fed o eiliad, a'i ISO ar 400. ( Mae e'n ddim ond newid ei agorfa i newid y golau. Wel, meddyliais, rydw i'n gallu dilyn 'awgrymiad' fel yna. Roedd diwrnod heulog, felly doedd dim problem gyda fi gyda'r golau beth bynnag. Felly dyma'r cyntaf o'r canlyniadau, deilen yn y fynwent. Yfory efallai lens gwahanol.

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I like to read 'tips', simple 'tips' about photography, 'tips' that I can remember and follow. So today, I read an article by someone named Sebastian Oakley who keeps his shutter speed at 1/500th of a second, and his ISO at 400. ( all-i-need-for-photography-maybe-you-do-too) He just changes his aperture to change the light. Well, I thought, I can follow a 'tip' like that. It was a sunny day, so I had no problem with the light anyway. So here is the first of the results, a leaf in the graveyard. Tomorrow maybe a different lens.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Deilen yn y fynwent.
Description (English): A leaf in the cemetery.
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