
By Aynil

Grand Bazaar

Sure, most of you visited here...

My daughter graduated from the university, she will study as an intern student in a Law Office for a year and then she will be a Lawyer. I am excited for her being in a real Law Office... Hope, she will be a good Lawyer...

We made some revisions in our garden, we are content with the results, I will share our garden pictures when it is finished totally.

I am really sorry for my lack of comments, these days were very busy for me. We are getting ready for a trip on Friday. We are going to Isparta (another city in Turkiye) for a wedding ceremony. One of our close friend's daughter is getting married. Hope, I will share some photos from there, too but I made the comments off for a while since when I can't get back to you and I really feel bad for that...

Take care, my dear friends! xx

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