My day

By 59

Sydney collage

Homeward bound today with some touristy stuff on the way. I caught the bus to Manly, ferry to Circular Quay, train to St James and walked down along the old part of town. Here is St James, the oldest church building in Australia (1820). It was designed by the convict architect Francis Greenway (originally as a courthouse but they changed their minds and it turned into a church). It was built by the convicts. It is Anglican or originally Church of England and took just 5 years to construct. 

Across the road and along a bit is the Catholic Cathedral (St Mary’s). It is Australia’s largest Cathedral building. It took close to 100 years to build. The first St Mary’s was destroyed by fire in 1865. The Foundation Stone for this building was laid in 1868 and the spires received their last installation in 2000. I went inside to have a look along with many other people. Our nephew was married here (we missed the wedding as we were overseas). 

After that I wandered down to the Museum of Australia and had a short time to check out one gallery before catching the train home. 

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