
By Annieone

I’ve Been Shopping……!!

Actually this was a distraction yarn shopping treat having just been through a rather traumatic Mammogram (standard test) in the Merrion Clinic in Dublin….this is the central clinic for the East of Ireland from where the mobile units are sent out to various locations…
I find this procedure so uncomfortable and painful that I actually cry…and need very experienced nurses to be able to get the proper x-rays…they are angels of patience and understanding kindness..!
We are so very fortunate to have this service free here in Ireland and it’s so very important to avail of it as it has saved so many lives with early detection.!

Anyway,  I survived it and quickly forgot the pain and bruising with my visit to Winnies Craft Café shop which is quite close by…..hubby being with me…I didn’t take too long to browse…(could take hours…I’ll be back)!! so I just picked out these 4 balls of yarn..I love the colours..

Swore I wouldn’t start anything til I’d finished several other projects but that didn’t last long …I have started something..!!?? which I will Blip as it progresses…!!

A miserable wet and colder morning here today…but no matter plenty of time for indoor activities..!

Happy Tuesday. xxx

And todays quote…:
Desire Is The Starting Point To All Achievement…!

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