Dawn's Journal

By DawnP

A Devil's Coo

A tip from a friend had me heading over to the Devil's Punch Bowl today; he had spotted some highland cattle on a family walk. I just had to investigate.

I opted for the Highcombe Hike walk, a 2.8mile walk round Highcombe Edge, down into the bowl (a natural feature caused by streams carving out the land over thousands of years) and a (steep!) walk back up to the visitors centre.  Signs of Autumn are already appearing, including the emergence of  masses of earthball fungi (extra).  

As I walked past fields at the bottom of the bowl I spotted some of the Exmoor ponies which are used for conservation grazing. Then the field along I found more ponies and my objective, the highland cattle, which just had to be my blip for today (another in extras)

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