Everyday Life

By Julez


After I posted my Blip yesterday Brian whisked me straight off to Sainsbury's to get shopping. Just before we arrived at the store a weird migraine started all of a sudden. It had threatened earlier but came to nothing while I was at home and could just access my tablets...

No such luck at Sainsbury's. As luck would have it, there were some in the car at least, but nothing to take them with. I couldn't see much by that point and Brian told me off for walking in the road. Like I knew it was the road! He didn't know where the drinks and snacks were in the store, but found them eventually. 

I swigged some water, took the tablets and ate a cereal bar from a multi pack. The open bottle and pack went into the trolley of course.

Fortunately my list was short this week. It was still very hard work - I almost went back and sat in the car.

For the rest of the night I lay on the sofa and faced in the general direction of the TV. I daren't try to read, write or do computer stuff in case I set it off again.

Despite a good night's sleep I still don't feel right today. I've done a bit of cleaning and laundry, nothing too complicated. 

After lunch I decided to have a walk along the river bank to try to clear my head a bit. It's not totally worked, but it has helped. The weather hasn't been great today, very dull and showery. I got caught in a brief shower, but it didn't last long.

Because of the weather I was surprised to see a couple of carder bees on the sweet nettles. There were a few dragonflies on the wing too.

Another surprise was the discovery of an apple tree along the way. I've brought a few apples back and may need to go get another one or two to make a crumble.

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