
One of those days when I feel guilty about taking the brass.

I should start by making sure that you know that I do a job I enjoy for an organisation I trust. Sure it makes mistakes and, like any large organisation, can sometimes make decisions which appear to be capricious or simply daft but don't we all at times?

Today included a big lump of sitting in the sun with colleagues from partner agencies. We drank coffee and put the world to rights and explored some of the ways in which we might better work together. And the other bits of the working day involved spending time with some of the most motivated and inspirational students and we looked at what they were planning to do and how studying with the university might help them to achieve their goals.

Then maski and I stopped off at Elmley Marshes RSPB Reserve to look for some blippage. I took a few shots and this one of a swan preening itself in the dappled sunlight is my favourite.

Grab yourself a cold one amigos - we all deserve it - and then stare out at this Friday which is hoving into view.

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