
By keepingtrack

Clear sky

After a stormy night we woke to blues skies and a fabulous view of our park up. I couldn’t resist a dip in the sea and MrKT joined me again.
Then it was back on the road- down the Croatian coast and another stop for breakfast and another swim. Back on the road - huge error on my part, I left a window unlocked and the wind whipped it away. Luckily we were able to rescue it, slightly broken but MrKT applied duct tape and fixed it back in place. So cross with myself on that one.
then inland at Split on to the motorway to zip on down to Bosnia. Oops, a clunk and scrape - stopped to inspect and found the exhaust pipe was making a bid for freedom. MrKT back on the job - this time with plastic ties and rope. Temporary repair and we limped in to town in Trebinje. Not the worst of places to be stuck. Enjoyed an evening stroll in this buzzing town, a couple of beers, and chat with helpful locals who pointed us to garage to try tomorrow. Positive thinking.

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