twinned with trumpton


Up before the crack of dawn to head up to Hers for dog sitting duties.

On arrival I spent all morning trying to unravel the various information and misinformation and make sense of it all. Urrgh.

A lunchtime wander aboot the Meadows with the floofly one before a similarly perplexing afternoon trying to unravel another conundrum. 

She baled out around 5 leaving me to further exercise the quadraped and cook dinner (jambalaya). I bought beer to soothe my fevered brow after the day of sifting through and trying to make sense of the nonsense we'd been given. It's enough to make you try and open a business bank account. 

Dinner done, I took the hound off homeward with a slight detour to see about repurposing a roadsign with a subversive message.

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