Sgwarnog: In the Field

By sgwarnog


A special encounter in the meadow, with this fox happy to sit watching me for five minutes or so, so long as I kept my 30-40 metres distance.

The temperature is starting to dip, bit it was still sunny enough for a few butterflies: Speckled Wood, Green-veined White, Small White and Peacock.

Later, I headed across to Thackley for a League Cup Game against Ilkley. Ilkley’s goalie was sent off just before the break, and they only had one in the squad, so an outfield player went in nets. Thackley seemed to establish a comfortable 2-0 lead in the second half, but two Ilkley goals in a minute brought them level again. It looked like it was heading to penalties, but up popped Thackley again at the end to win the tie 3-2.

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