
By Groggster

The Feather And The Rose

Today's image is of the roses on the outside wall next to our kitchen which have flowered for a second time this year after being pruned back heavily a few weeks ago. It was so lovely to see them blooming again and as luck would have it a passing feather had rather fortuitously chosen them as its landing spot! 

There was some upsetting news in our local paper over the weekend. Some of the individually designed and hand-painted Shaun the Sheep sculptures (although not the one a captured back in July : which form part of a charity art trail around Maidstone have been vandalised and could cost the charity involved, The Heart of Kent Hospice, £10,000 as each sculpture was to be auctioned off at the end of the month when the event ends to raise much needed funds.
CCTV footage shows vandals wrecking two separate sculptures in Fremlin Walk and Brenchley Gardens and they are now completely unrepairable. Hopefully the utterly moronic and malicious culprits will be caught and dealt with appropriately. The charity have said that they are absolutely heartbroken by the damage but are determined to carry on.

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