
The route home from the final day of the course was rather complicated.

Wake up at college at Gullane (was staying over night last night)
Get mini bus from there to Newcraighall.
Sit end of course exam
Pick up car that was left at Newcraighall due to a little end of course drink!
Drive home to dump of half of my kit.
Pick up my running kit from home.
Drive to my own station to drop off rest of kit, fuel up and wash car.
Drive car back to head office at Thornton.
Get lift from work colleague back to own station.
Run home!!!!

Oh yea,

Then phone hairdressers to get last minute appointment
Grab a shower
Grab bike to peddle to hairdressers
Get hair cut
Peddle back up
Get tea

The train was just a fleeting moment in my crazy journey!!

Just back blipped for yesterday if you wanna see someone hanging around!

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