
By Livra

Le Pesher

Easy start by continuing along the Vallee de Dordogne. Passed a group of road cyclists who had a van following behind, carrying their luggage - Wimps!

However our easy cycle came to an end. I saw a sign for Newville and thought it was a shortcut. But it was a very steep start to our climbing. We climbed steadily for 7 km and I was really glad to get to Newville. We saw this hotel and stopped for coffee and a toastie. There were 3 French tourers having a big breakfast. They had come up the other side and it was hard afterwards to decide who had the hardest ride. Still a bit more climbing to do then we had a lovely downhill stopping off and going off the road slightly to Le Pesher. It was a total surprise - an interesting village with some medieval houses, an interesting church and a river running through it giving reflections. Having used up so many calories we went into the local and had a late lunch and watched the rugby.

Carried on to Meysaac and passed the campsite and up the hill to Collognes-La-Rouge. A pretty medieval village but with a couple of bus loads of tourists along with a wedding party. Came back down the hill and this time could see the campsite that we had passed clearly. 44 km but felt longer due to the hills.

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