When the wildlings get homework. The deal for Xander is that he's not allowed to play fortnite until he has done a section of work. I spread it out over 4 days so he's not overwhelmed with it.
Harp is a wee star. She absolutely loves homework and will start and finish it the minute she's home from school. Lincoln is a bit of a hit and miss. Loves maths but struggles with reading and spelling.
As you can see I steamed my work tops today. I thought I kept them clean but I thought I would give this a go. Oh boy the difference was insane. Other than that I've not done much. Sat and sorted the laundry basket. The jedi ended up having a chill out in it. I also had a nap. I'm living such a exciting life at the moment.
The jedi has asked for a yellow omelette for dinner. I'm really not sure that's what he means , because he would normally ask for mushroom egg.
These are words he asks for dinner
Vlad and nikki pizza = cheesy garlic bread
Burger noodles = chicken super noodles
Pumpkin pizza = cheese pizza.
Now you can see where I make him a omelette and it's not going to be what he wants.
I've just taken a pain pill so I can bath the wildlings after dinner. It's small stupid things that I'm struggling with and I'm not very patient at all.
We have a architect coming tomorrow, so that's exciting.
Thankfully I've managed to catch up on Journals. Not sure how many I'll get round to tonight
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