The Next Chapter!

By carol_dunham


………………………tomatoes, or not as the case may be! 

Definitely six years of blipping, though I’ve no idea where that time has gone! Thanks to everyone who pops by leaving stars, hearts and comments in their wake, it means the world to me. Many thanks to the behind the scenes team too who keep everything running.

The usual Zumba, cuppa and walk along the prom this morning and though the sun was shining boy was it chilly. Off out shortly on a Heritage Open Day walk around the village, then its walking group this evening.

Continued thanks for the love on Tuesdays post, I think the rest of the family are sorely missing the pitter patter of paws around the house…I know on Tuesday when we went back from the vets the clock ticking was overwhelmingly loud!

Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting Abstract Thursday.

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