
By Incredibish

Approaching Storm

In between storms, both rain and hail, we managed a walk around the country lanes... dodging gigantic tractors hauling massive trailers of late harvested grain and occasionally throat stoppingly stinking manure... checking for the lunchtime races from domestic tractors, and inadvertently impactful cyclists... it's an extreme sport, walking in the lanes, sometimes...

Back at the house, the builders have the felt and battens down on the roof, and the tiles should go on tomorrow or maybe next Monday. The velux windows are massive, and the space begins to show itself. Bit anxious about the plumber, who has yet to quote for his bit of the work, but there are other plumbers.

Anyhow, the storms bounced back and forth up and around the Severn Vale, and here's an incoming one we just got back in time to avoid, running over the Tyndale Monument on the Cotswold escarpment. Currently, photography is what it is... life is busy (and mum's still waiting to be released home from hospital, now well again and everso slightly frustrated. :-)

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