
By Winsford


The new carpet was fitted today. We are both pleased with the result and, aside from a few finishing touches, are pleased to have another step in "doing up" the house completed.  The next steps are  the garage renovation and then we will turn our attention more fully to dining room, the spare room kitchen and bathrooms (although not necessarily in that order).  This will then leave reconfiguring the "end rooms" (currently T's office and storage) into a bedroom and building a small conservatory to provide access to second (currently derelict) bathroom which only has access from outside (we're not entirely sure why either). 

I enjoyed a swim this morning and then nipped into town to do some errands. I tend to avoid the High Street but it was nice to potter along it, stopping for a few chats along the way. 

Update: The red aurora alert had dropped to amber by the time it got dark but was still able to get a glimpse.

Tha bràt-ùrlair ùr againn. Tha  e liath. 'S toil leum e.  

Shnàmh mi sa mhadainn. Snàmhaidh mi a-maireachd cuideachd. 

Chunnaic mi Na Fir-Chillis.

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