
By Hillyblips

I didn't go down to the forest with the intention of catching a nuthatch but here it is. I like the oak leaf framing as it hung from the branch.

I actually drove there with the idea of catching a dipper which was't to be... in fact I didn't even spot a dipper at any point as I followed the stream up the valley. Unusual for sure but it has been known. I did wonder whether the human activity there has been up the bank side over the last couple of years has deterred them somewhat.

I moved to my kingfisher spot and on driving past saw someone in camo gear at that very pitch. Instead I walked down stream to another few ponds, sat down on a stone, amusing myself with a grey wagtail and southern hawker. Just looking up I saw my kingfisher on a branch in the distance. Another peeking through the leaves shot. 

Can't wait for Saturday when Millies stitches come out and she can go for proper walks again which will burn her energy off!!!

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