
By RadioGirl

Natural Abstract

Having volunteered to return to assisting at communion, I was asked at church this morning if I would like to take my first turn next Thursday since before the pandemic, so that’s nearly five years ago now. Handling the chalice and the purificator (the cloth with which the rim is cleaned after each person has taken the wine) is quite a fiddly task. As well as wiping the cup with the purificator between communicants, you need to turn the chalice a quarter turn before offering it to the next person, administer it to them carefully without spilling the wine or choking them, and manoeuvre the cloth round to an unused bit ready to wipe clean again. It’s all a bit of a handful. One time I managed to drop the purificator into the chalice and soak up nearly all the wine. Nightmare!

Many thanks to Ingeborg for hosting Abstract Thursday, with this week’s theme of ‘Natural Abstract’. My offering is created from a photo of one of the last buddleia flowers in my garden. It’s commonly called a butterfly bush, but sadly there haven’t been many butterflies or bees around it this summer. Let’s hope things improve for the insects next year.

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