
By Groggster

Embracing A Sense Of The Ridiculous

As yesterday's image had a canine bent I thought today's shot, in the interests of editorial balance, should feature a feline depiction.
It also relates, albeit extremely tangentially, to the search for a plumber. Let me explain...
We have been trying to engage the services of a plumber for several weeks but either we have been unable to get an answer when we have tried to call, left a message and had no response or had a response confirming they will call back but no such call back has been forthcoming and even had one so-called practitioner who did actually turn up, grudgingly carried out half the work, was verbally abrupt and never returned! It's been like trying to find the Abominable Snowman in a blizzard but as I couldn't locate a representation of a Yeti in a snowstorm I cast around for as just as ridiculous an image, which is when I came across this illustration of a bespectacled cat, wielding a pencil with a sunglass wearing tortoise on its head and just decided to embrace it! :-)

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