talloplanic views

By Arell

Hairy monster

This wasp stationed itself on the back door in the lunchtime sunshine.  Sorry little one: unless your teeth are diamond-tipped, I think you need a wooden door, not glass!

Not too bad a day at the controls.  It started out with another of those "I really don't know, but Ms. Arell would be a safe bet to ask" sort of tasks, because I am immensely skilled utterly dependable incredibly knowledgeable one of the old guard who has seen it all before.  And consequently, actually I am quite knowledgeable.  I then speed-marked a colleague's work, which required more red pen than I think they had hoped for.  It's "invitation", not "invite"; and it's "different from" and "compared with"… – my didactic nature does sometimes lead me to essentially supereogatory acts, but it's the principle of the thing. Then a pre-meeting, then lunch and a little chat with my neighbour, then a 90 minute workshop, then post-workshop debrief.  After that…crikey, I was ready to finish.

A pre-Holz trip to the salon was in order, to neaten myself up a fraction, and I made it home just in time before the rain came and went.

I've been unusually preoccupied today with thoughts about our departed cycling hero that BB mentioned yesterday.  I hadn't known that their funeral was only last week and I would really rather have liked to be there; they were only down in the Scottish Borders.  I hadn't seen them in person for very many years, but I'd corresponded online with them, albeit irregularly, until a year or two ago when it all went a bit quiet.

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