..endeavour to persevere

By Nick_T

Birkett Bagging

Weather was promising so I went back to the map to review Birketts which we've bagged. (hills in the lake district with altitude over 1000 feet) 
So far 344/541 bagged.  I spotted 3 close by and plotted a hiking route.
We parked at Fangs Brow and started up a steepish climb onto Burnbank Fell, from there an out and back to Owsen Fell,  then over to Carling Knott and finally Loweswater End.
The views south and east from Carling Knott (blip) were the pick of the day and we sat up there a while eating cheese and marmite sarnies. I faffed about doing a couple of panorama shots but again a single shot trumped it. 6.85 miles, 1700feet ascent.
3 more Birketts bagged... 194 to do..

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