Life through the lens...

By ValC

View from the top.

This morning 12 Pudsey Ramblers met at St Mary’s Church, Embsay near Skipton. 9 of us did the walk up to the top of Embsay Crag. Height 1,204ft.
While the other three walked round the reservoir.
This photo was taken when we reached the top. M and P enjoying a coffee and admiring the wonderful view.

You could see Lancashire and Pendle Hill to the right. In front down to Skipton in the valley bottom and the wind farm above Halifax on the far horizon.
Behind was Simon’s Seat above Bolton Abbey.

I did struggle climbing up the last few yards.
Certainly a lot more difficult than I had imagined.
We had a rest at the top and admired the fabulous view.
Fortunately the path down was a lot easier.
After getting our breath back we enjoyed a good lunch at the Cavendish Arms back in the village.

Then it was off to visit Mr C’s brother and his wife who happen to live in the village too.
Stopped for an hour or so and enjoyed a good catchup.

A very enjoyable day even though I found it hard going although only 4 miles.
Don’t think I will be doing it again! Will stick with MrC and the ones who walked round the reservoir!

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