
By HareBrain


For Mr HB. We've had a great day with our two friends K&C and Gemdog. Breakfast in a local hostelry, then instead of driving we took the bus into Shrewsbury, takes much longer than in the car as it goes all round the houses, nevertheless a bit of an adventure and nice views of our lovely Shropshire countryside, well what we could see of it as the rain lashed down and the windows kept steaming up. Once we alighted the bus we had a good walk round the town, some time spent in a camera shop! then coffee and cake in a very nice little cafe. More walking by the River then a late lunch at a favourite restaurant, The Armoury, just by the English Bridge. Finally a good walk in the Park to give Gem a good run and . ... the sun came out. 

Caught the 4.30pm bus home. My #1 daughter came round bearing gifts and Birthday greetings.

We've eaten and drunk much, trodden quite a few steps and had a really lovely day in a beautiful town with good friends. 

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