Happy Moments

By ApolloFly


Losing track of time at the moment. It’s been a long four days, but for now, everything seems to be back to normal. Power has been on for 24 hours.

We’ve lost all our freezer contents. Most of the fridge fresh items too.

So we went out to get some bits today but only enough for a couple of days just in case.

I will explain more in due course. 

Anyway, as some of you may know we haven’t had a TV for a number of years. About 12 years actually. It’s a long story, but once we’d done without for a while, we just got used to watching our own choice of programs through tablets. But having such a different lifestyle now, we thought we may just try a TV again. And so a little retail therapy was in order today when we went to the supermarket.

My goodness the choice was overwhelming. Not to mention the prices. Much to the sales assistant’s dismay, we chose a pretty basic one by all accounts and it ‘only’ cost a little over £300. (See extra)

She did her best to upsell. But I was resolute. Sound bar? No thank you. What are you going to connect to it? Nothing, just going to watch it. Can we offer you a broadband package? No thank you. In the end I cut in and said, can you please just get someone to bring it to the door, we need to get going. She did give us a free box of batteries.

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