simple moments

By simplemoments

all about pink…

…in the


there had always been - something about the - color pink for me - ever since i was - a wee child - i’ve just been attracted to it - you know how some - things call to you - that’s how pink is for me - it calls to me - beckons to me - i pass by it - and my whole being twitches - if it’s a piece - of clothing, i want to - run my fingers through it - if it’s artwork - i find myself staring - at it trying to figure - out all the different nuances - you get my drift

and so with flowers - ahhhh, flowers have so - many varieties of pink - i could get lost in them - truly it’s a wonder - abba did a masterful job - of creating such fabulous - sights for us in the - garden of flowers - each one so precious - and lovely in its own right - together making a beautiful - bouquet of fragrant loveliness - which will always lead to…


happy day…..

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