
By Wildwood

Natural Abstract

We took ourselves off on the Spike Walk this morning . It seems to be becoming a Thursday morning thing as it's the first day we don't have something else to do first thing. I was struck by this lichen covered, rather sculpted, rock and liked the result of my quick shot of it. Definitely SOOC.

I. got a message from an old Berkeley friend wondering if they could stop by tomorrow on their way home from Sea Ranch. I invited them to lunch and am really looking forward to seeing them. Marcia is a potter and made many decorative pieces including the jugs I blipped the other day, our plates, our coffee cups and two cappuccino cups. Her husband Steve is a writer and a retired college professor. 

They still go to Paris every year and stay in the apartment our mutual friend Amy S, inherited from her aunt. It's right across the street from Notre Dame Cathedral. Amy and her husband started Ask Jeeves, a very early internet search engine. They fly around in his private jet which I think he pilots himself. One year they flew to the Telluride Film Festival and she organized an evening of watching documentary shorts which she enjoyed at the festival and managed to rent for us to watch together. They were all quirky and funny, much better than most of the stuff we find to watch on television these days.

That was a bit stream of consciousness. But I'm back to a news blackout just because I am so tired of seeing/hearing/ looking at that orange Cheeto and trying to figure out how half the people in this country still say they plan to vote for him. 

It doesn't say much for our country at the moment....

I'm still behind in comments and have been valiantly trying to catch up. Not quite there yet, but I'm getting closer, I think.

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