On Some Days

By V1k1

Flowers . . . Miley Cyrus

Some more compost and little worms were distributed around the garden.  I found two new podcasts:  The Road To Joni and Plain English.  The first is new and the host will travel around America interviewing people about how they got into Joni Mitchell.  The first episode was telling how Joni has come back to performing with a stage full of other artists in support and as she has got stronger she is singing more and more.  The second one has a long list of episodes on a variety of topics. 
The blip is freshly picked Freesias which have the scent of spring.  Also on the bench is some asparagus from the garden.  The Forester is going to make brie and asparagus tartlets for street drinks.  There is a good division of labour happening at the moment and I am cooking less. 
Happy weekend to all.

Where flowers bloom so does hope . . . Lady Bird Johnson

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