Day at a Time

By Tweedy

In the field

The farmer cut the field yesterday and the deer have moved in. They're around all year but it's harder to spot them when the crop is tall. Today there were three nibbling the stubble. They're at a fair distance from the house and the river flows between them and me but I like to see them so this is my blip. 

Joined the Friday yoga class again but I don't think it's for me. I know I should stretch myself - physically and mentally - but honestly it's just a bit too fast paced and strong.  I'm not sure what to do. My option of a Monday morning class is currently full and isn't available online. Anyway I'm not going to worry about it today as I will have plenty of exercise on Sunday - Kiltwalk day. 

Later today I'm going to Glasgow. My sister is arriving for a few days (and a Kiltwalk) and we are going to rendezvous at the Glasgow family's home before coming back here. 

The sun is shining but my goodness it was chilly this morning. 

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