Over Yonder

By Stoffel

Bright Eyes

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

I went into the office today and caught up with Fazzy and Olivia. 

It was as much fun as always but Fazzy was busy over lunchtime so I bought her favourite poached eggs and toast to go and delivered it to her desk. 

YOU ARE SO SPOILT, I wrote on the box.

Olivia and me went to the Crab Shack for a burger*. It was fun. I like it in there. They play retro music and today I heard "Bright Eyes" by Art Garfunkel playing as we ate our chips.

That reminded me of this story which I relayed to Olivia. Although she also peppered me with questions throughout so it took a long time. I mentioned my nan and then she needed to know about my nan and as you know, explaining my nan is a tale unto itself.

"You have the best stories," she told me. 

Well... the weirdest upbringing maybe.

After this we returned to the office and I spotted this amazing drawing of a rabbit someone had done on the whiteboard. And then I was traumatised by "Bright Eyes" all over again.


* I'm aware of the irony but I do not care for seafood and it turns out Olivia is a "seafood snob" who looked at the prices and deduced that it must be frozen.

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