
By H22

Place: Gulfport, FL 77/89
Main activity: Fri - beach walk (shells & glass!), work
Notes: Up 430a-ish again and laid there awhile and then heard Ellen get up. We sat and had coffee till it got light and then headed to Pass-A-Grille beach - big shift in sands, amt of beach, feel of area and huge shells and lots of glass were everywhere! This one amazing shell I found is almost perfect, needs a little cleaning up. Also saved a sandpiper that had it's little leg caught in a shell that closed on it ... as well as a couple crabs and shells that were stranded in the sand. Was quite a magical morning. Got back and had to jump into some SpeakOUT work and then do a long-ish Zoom w/ Susan on a bunch of things - all went well. Finished all that just before 2p. Met Susan at O'Maddy's at 4p and there till after 5p. We headed to studio then and loaded plastic chairs/tables and took to donkey building. Stopped at the Comm Center on the way back into Town Shores, small group of women meeting there briefly and then they invited us to go hear singer on Beach Blvd so we went to that for awhile and got ice cream (I did a lavender lemon sorbet). Back and a late shower, watched a few more episodes of Cosmic Disclosure before collapsing into bed!

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