
By ZE1Christie

A Day on da Muckle Kert

A chilly morning, but a beautiful day of sunshine, warm as the sun got high in the sky.  A shower at 3pm.  Lovely calm day too.

Up early again, last shift of the week.  Today I got the chance to be on the big essykert, with James showing me the ropes again, also with driver, Jack.  Much the same idea, picked it up quickly.  We were collecting grey lid recycling bins from Tingwall, Girlsta, Stromfirth, Whiteness and Weisdale.  Slightly earlier finish on Friday, walkies with Sammy after work.  Working in the shop this evening, a steady night of customers.  Last walkies, then feet up for the night. 

First week in, and I can say I've loved it, something completely different and refreshing, well maybe not so much the smells.  A great bunch, just need to settle in now and find my place amongst them.  James has been a great help throughout the week, good laugh too.  The word "essykert" translates as ash cart.  The Shetland word for ash is ess, and cart would translate as kert.  Stick the two together, and you get essykert.  Coming from the old days of putting the peat ashes out for collection.  Here's the muckle essykert, with Jack driving and note James' wave behind a car.  Taken Kalliness, Weisdale.  

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