
By gillyh

A lucky day

Friday 13th is considered an unlucky day in Christian cultures but it was a lucky one for me.  My Samsung phone and Samsung tablet had fallen out of love and were not talking to each other so l decided to go down to the Samsung centre in Kings Cross.  As l got off the bus l felt for my bus pass but it was not in my pocket.  l looked around thought l must have have put it my bag and l got off, l looked through my bag but no, l looked up as the bus moved off knowing it must be on there - l had used it to get on. Well, the bus all of a sudden stopped, the doors opened and a lady leaned out and called "are you looking for this?" My bus pass! Thank you, l got my pass back  and the bus moved off and away. l was able to get the tube into town and my tablet and phone were restored to each other in no time.  A lucky day for me, l was able to move this photo of a painted lady butterfly to my tablet and it is my blip for today.

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