
By Charlie17


Bandit: The Open is on today Dylan.
Dylan: Open what?
Bandit: The Open Golf.
Dylan: Didn't know it was closed.
Bandit: Its a big golf tournament held every year.
Dylan: So what is golf?
Bandit: Well someone hits a ball....
Dylan: .... and someone tries to catch it?
Bandit: No, they hit the ball towards a green using different clubs.
Dylan: A green what?
Bandit: It has a hole in the middle.
Dylan: Like a green Polomint?
Bandit: Its a piece of lovely smooth grass with a hole in the middle.
Dylan: For bunnies to hide in?
Bandit: No, bunnies aren't too popular on the golf course.
Dylan: So what happens then.
Bandit: They try to sink the ball in the hole.
Dylan: You're having me on!
Bandit: No! Who do you think will win The Open Dylan?
Dylan: I think I'll bet on Andy Murray.

Bandit: Do you think I should give our green friend a hair cut?

Sent from my iPad

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