Stone frames the culprit

The church stood at the back of the beach for centuries.
Generations of fishing families were baptized, married and buried here.
At the stormy high tide of 25th October 1859 the sea paid a visit.
It entered the church during evening service.
It tore down all save this west wall. It sucked the coffins from the ground and the bones from the coffins.
The worshippers were spared but next day the bodies of seven drowned sailors lay in the ruins.

All fled the church through western door
Ne'er again to pray there more
For when the light at last had dawned
Three walls had gone. The last had scorned
The waves their edifice to wreck
And there they stand today erect
A monument austere, forlorn
In memory of those long gone
That prayed beneath its roof.


Here is how the whole churchyard looks today.

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