My day

By 59

My town

I wish I had this photo for the wide Wednesday challenge of “my town” this week. The cherry trees in the main park were flowering and looking a treat. We were walking back from the voting booth. In our city we had to vote for 5 from 53 candidates. Lots of community interest here. Today we voted for Local Government which comprises of our city and surrounding villages. They look after roads, garbage, water, parks etc. we also vote for State (New South Wales) and Federal governments at other times. I studied the candidates and knew a few of them. 

I spent a bit of time watering the newly seeded lawn patch. 4 times in total today as the warm sun dried it out quickly. It was zero this morning and the weather man (woman) predicts -3° tomorrow or Monday. Hope it doesn’t burn the new spring growth. 

My sister sent a link to a YouTube video on Radiotherapy, the physicist explained it well. He said they needed 10 million volts to create the rays in the Linear Accelerator used in the therapy. Goodness that sounds a bit scary….

Good day, Wordle in 2 today. That was a surprise! 

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