La vida de Annie

By Annie

Loki examina a su papá.

Loki, now an 8.5-month puppy the size of a pit pony, has the typical collie trait of autism/ADHD. He likes to constantly check things and make sure they stay the same. The other day he stared long and hard at the empty space created by a tree having been felled in the next garden, and barked at the buddha by the door because I had moved it to the other side. He patrols the garden herding plastic pots, distributing the contents randomly and crushing them in his now formidable jaws. In the evenings if not raining (which he hates) he can be found lying by the gate checking all the pebbles.
This is him checking his dad's hair for whatever reason he has in his crazy head. Mine he just bites and pulls, like one of his tuggy toys. Happy days.

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