
By flavia13


A trip into Grange this morning for some shopping, a quick stroll along The Prom on a NOT sunny morning.  If you look at the railings you will see a short blue strip, this is to help any first responders.  Those not from the area may not know that Grange's Promenade is one mile long, so if any emergency services are called it's a large area to cover.  In order to save valuable time and possibly lives, someone came up with the great idea of painting sections of the railings different colours. If you need to call for any emergency along the prom you just need to let services know the colour of the railing nearest you and it will make it easier to find you.

After our usual coffee and brunch we then just came home.  Hubby is now up the allotment whilst I am finishing off some photogrpahic projects.

That's all for today,  do take care and stay safe and I will see  you all tomorrow.

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